
For too long we have told and retold colourful stories from overseas whilst neglecting the rich vein of tales that were distilled on these shores; the tales that once lived a lively existence on the lips of our forebears.

Our ancestors would be amazed at our advances, but would they not equally be astonished by how we seek our greatest thrills from wires and circuitry, an electronic buzz that distances ourselves from what it is like to step into the half-light, listen to the words of a stranger and be enthralled – and possibly a little scared – by the actions of our fellow man?

Maybe then it is time to look a little inward and re-evaluate our indigenous worth as a treasure trove of chronicles that revel in everything from the magic of dragons to the terror of a curse. If you agree, then it is time to bid you a warm welcome – a welcome to the world of Freaky Folk Tales.

93 thoughts on “About

  1. A very worthy reason to create this blog. I *so* agree with what you said here:

    Our ancestors would be amazed at our advances, but would they not equally be astonished by how we seek our greatest thrills from wires and circuitry, an electronic buzz that distances ourselves from what it is like to step into the half-light, listen to the words of a stranger and be enthralled – and possibly a little scared – by the actions of our fellow man?

  2. Hi, first things first, thank’s for the follow, but that’s not the actual reason I’m talking to you.
    Your profile says you travel our fair lands looking for tales, have you yet visited Alderley Edge in Cheshire? One of it’s tales is long been told, but I’m sure it could spark many more.
    The Lonely Recluse.

  3. How many people in Britain know Grimm’s Fairy Tales but don’t know the fairy myths of the hills and dells where they live? How many people know of the Christian God, and pagan gods of Rome and Greece but know none of the names of these isles. Locality is so important 🙂

  4. Thanks for following my blog 🙂 I just want to say that I love your blog name! It’s creative and imaginative. I love your unique writing, and although I haven’t had a chance to read much yet, I will be delving deeper to find out more. Are the photos yours or are they from somewhere else?

  5. Hi Paul,
    Love your blog! Thank you so much for visiting mine – How do I find the time to write whilst reading yours? You’ve found my soft spot with all things weird and unexplained….

    • The ones accompanying ‘The witch and the king’ were taken whilst visiting the Rollright Stones; however, it’s very prescient of you Sheryl: Avebury photos will appear here shortly! Thanks for your response, Paul

  6. Huzzah for Freakyfolktails! so glad I found you! and that you found Sparky as well. Great story tellers think (and blog!) alike (so funny that we have the same blog theme). I do so hope you had time to look at Sparky’s re-telling of old folktails, including Seanchan the Bard, with her new cat-themed heroic ending. I know we enjoyed using that great old tale to mess with Seanchan’s descenants (aka, American right-wing talk radio blow-hards. they had it coming…)
    So looking forward to reading all your stories and more to come! Keep up the good work!

  7. Very much like a previous commenter, your follow to me was the reason I took a look at your blog. And like them, I like it. Keep up the great work man. Bring the obscure to light.

  8. Whatever led you to my blog, I’m pleased and welcome you. It might bring a laugh that we Canadians think ‘haunted settings are always in England’! We note too excessive spotlight on the USA (after all we are ‘North American’, not ‘America’). Add to that, Canada’s settlement being younger and you know our enthusiasm for metaphysical evidence here. I applaud your blog indeed.

  9. Pingback: Friday Highlights 15 « Jackie Jones

  10. Pingback: Freaky Folktales blog – recommended | Blau Stern Schwarz Schlonge

  11. Pingback: Freaky Folktales blog – recommended | Blau Stern Schwarz Schlonge

    • Thank you so much, very kind of you! All the photographs on the site are mine. I’m no professional but thoroughly enjoy accompanying my stories through strong visual imagery. I’m delighted that you’ve read my stories and wish you a very happy new year! Best wishes, PJ Hodge

  12. Thanks for following. Having had a quick look at your site I can say I’ll be back to read further. I do love a creepy story.

  13. Paul,
    thanks for following my blog. Yours looks amazing and I will cherish the time spent crawling around on it. I just wanted to update you of the fact that my Jennifer Carson blog was moved to a new domain (www.thedragoncharmer.com) and I hope you will re-follow me there.
    Thanks so much.

  14. Pingback: Friday Highlights 20 « Jackie Jones

  15. Sorry for taking so long to reply, I’ve been away for the week. Thanks for the follow, am looking forward to reading your stories. My brother-in-law stoked my passion for regional ghost tales when I was little, writing a small booklet called Haunted Lowestoft, so I know I’ve found a site I can relate to. 🙂

  16. Hi Paul

    any chance you’ve got any stories you’d be up for running over at my site, Likely Fictions? I’ve been trying to figure out how to host other people’s writings and finally worked out that I can put them up at “Intermissions” (obvious, I know…). You’ve got great material!



      • Thanks very much! I generally post no more than 600 words at a time, so I’m going to break this into 3 installments of 450words or so. No editing, just a “to be continued” at the break and a daily reminder for those installments of your blog, a link, and a copyright notice.

        Good by you?

    • Hi Kurt,

      I am delighted to announce the launch of my first collection of ghost stories:


      P. J. Hodge spins rich, spine-chilling and beautifully written tales that tell of haunted ancestral homes, supernaturally-possessed objects and revengeful spectres that will not rest until their work is done.

      Mesmerising, understated, and convincingly Victorian in tone, this is a frighteningly good collection of stories. Purchase at your own risk!

      Please share and pass this on to fellow ghost story fans. Also, if you read the book and have the time, would you be so kind as to write a review for the Amazon book page and Goodreads. Thank you!

      Available for Kindle ebook here
      US – http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FY82PXI
      UK – http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FY82PXI
      Canada – http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00FY82PXI
      Germany – http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00FY82PXI
      India – http://www.amazon.in/dp/B00FY82PXI

      and all other Amazon international sites.

      If you enjoy period ghost tales of that bygone England of country house gatherings, servants and hansom cabs, with smog-filled days and sinister churchyard nights, you’ll love this varied and entertaining collection of chillers.

      An Amazon review:

      ‘I rarely get time to read so I always look for books containing short stories so I can finish them in a single reading session. Once I started reading it however I couldn’t put it down! It is superbly written and you immediately get drawn into it. One of the best short story book I have read to date. Looking forward to the next book already.’ Richie

      Kind regards, Paul

  17. Thank you for looking in on our blog and following it. I’ve just had a look around your own and what a fantastic site – I can but echo the comments of others! I love all tales involving ghosts, the paranormal or strange events, you name it and also love local and family history, which the tales you collect and write about illustrate perfectly and allow us to get inside the heads of our forebears. I’ll certainly be popping over frequently.

      • Hi Paul

        That’s lovely. We have a ghost themed book to review in the next month or so called Ways to See a Ghost by author Emily Diamand, which deals with ghosts, clairvoyants and UFO hunters. It is set in the UK. I’ve dipped into it a bit already and it is very atmospheric, just like your stories. It would be great to post one of your stories alongside it and tell them a bit about your work, whichever one you would like to give people the chance to read. My email is tina.williams1@ntlworld.com to discuss it further. Many thanks


  18. Hello, I am really interested to read more on here, I started and found you through searching for TYNEHAM…, I think what you are doing is a great idea. I have penned a couple of stories with a supernatural them, mine are fiction with an element of historical fact too…if you want to know anymore info on mine please stop by my blog and look under Peggy’s page! Cannot wait to read more of your work!

    • Hi Sarah,

      I am delighted to announce the launch of my first collection of ghost stories:


      P. J. Hodge spins rich, spine-chilling and beautifully written tales that tell of haunted ancestral homes, supernaturally-possessed objects and revengeful spectres that will not rest until their work is done.

      Mesmerising, understated, and convincingly Victorian in tone, this is a frighteningly good collection of stories. Purchase at your own risk!

      Please share and pass this on to fellow ghost story fans. Also, if you read the book and have the time, would you be so kind as to write a review for the Amazon book page and Goodreads. Thank you!

      Available for Kindle ebook here
      US – http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FY82PXI
      UK – http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FY82PXI
      Canada – http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00FY82PXI
      Germany – http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00FY82PXI
      India – http://www.amazon.in/dp/B00FY82PXI

      and all other Amazon international sites.

      If you enjoy period ghost tales of that bygone England of country house gatherings, servants and hansom cabs, with smog-filled days and sinister churchyard nights, you’ll love this varied and entertaining collection of chillers.

      An Amazon review:

      ‘I rarely get time to read so I always look for books containing short stories so I can finish them in a single reading session. Once I started reading it however I couldn’t put it down! It is superbly written and you immediately get drawn into it. One of the best short story book I have read to date. Looking forward to the next book already.’ Richie

      Kind regards, Paul

    • Thank you so much Tina! This is really appreciated. What a lovely surprise! I’ll be sure to add the award to my blog and pass on the honour to several others. All the very best, Paul

      • Thank you Paul. Your blog has been a great find and your tales of our homeland bring our history and collective memory so vividly to life. We look forward to reading more.

  19. When I was very young, eons ago, I read a huge tome called From Poe to Arlen. There was more to the title but it’s lost in the mists of time. Reading those stories I began a love affair for the strange and freaky stories. So I was happy to find Freaky Folk Tales. Thank you for posting.

    • Hi Mary,

      I am delighted to announce the launch of my first collection of ghost stories:


      P. J. Hodge spins rich, spine-chilling and beautifully written tales that tell of haunted ancestral homes, supernaturally-possessed objects and revengeful spectres that will not rest until their work is done.

      Mesmerising, understated, and convincingly Victorian in tone, this is a frighteningly good collection of stories. Purchase at your own risk!

      Please share and pass this on to fellow ghost story fans. Also, if you read the book and have the time, would you be so kind as to write a review for the Amazon book page and Goodreads. Thank you!

      Available for Kindle ebook here
      US – http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FY82PXI
      UK – http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FY82PXI
      Canada – http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00FY82PXI
      Germany – http://www.amazon.de/dp/B00FY82PXI
      India – http://www.amazon.in/dp/B00FY82PXI

      and all other Amazon international sites.

      If you enjoy period ghost tales of that bygone England of country house gatherings, servants and hansom cabs, with smog-filled days and sinister churchyard nights, you’ll love this varied and entertaining collection of chillers.

      An Amazon review:

      ‘I rarely get time to read so I always look for books containing short stories so I can finish them in a single reading session. Once I started reading it however I couldn’t put it down! It is superbly written and you immediately get drawn into it. One of the best short story book I have read to date. Looking forward to the next book already.’ Richie

      Kind regards, Paul

    • Lady M, thank you so much for bestowing this great honour on Freaky Folk Tales. I am delighted! I will endeavour to pass on this award in the traditional manner. Thank you for reading my blog. Kind regards, FFT

  20. So glad I happened across your blog. I too, am a fan of the dark and terrifying. Fear is the second best form of adrenaline. I myself write a little of both Dark Flash Fiction, and Poetry. Drop in anytime if you want to take a look. I can’t wait to get the time to explore this site more thoroughly. It looks amazing.
    Keep Inspiring….and Frightening.


    • JMC, thank you for your comments; very kind of you! Yes, I agree, supernatural tales rather than the visceral scares of the ‘horror’ genre are what fuel me and my writing. I will definitely take a look at your blog. Speak soon, regards, Paul

      • I agree, I like the visceral scares as well, but have a true fascination with the supernatural, and paranormal. If you find the category “Haunted Chronicles” on my site, you will find my flash fiction pieces. Much shorter than what you write, and not as polished as your work I am sure, but I have fun with the flash fiction scares and twists. A couple of my favorites to write were “The girl in the window”, and “Bloody Mary” but they all have a little something fun in store for the reader I hope. Thank you very much for the comments, likes, and follow. I appreciate that a great deal.
        Keep Inspiring

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